Guy who flew the enola gay

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Taking control of the aircraft means he has now flown the only two currently operational B-29s, Doc and Fifi. Paul Tibbets IV, 509th Bomb Wing commander. Wichita’s beloved B-29 Superfortress, “Doc”, took to the skies yet again June 9, from McConnell Air Force Base, this time with an added aspect of historical significance and Air Force heritage. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Tara Fadenrecht) Paul Tibbets Jr., piloted the B-29 during WWII.

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Paul Tibbets IV, 509th Bomb Wing commander, Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., pose for a photo inside Doc, a restored B-29 Superfortress, June 9, 2017, on McConnell AFB, Kan. Mark Novak, left, a B-29 Superfortress pilot and Brig.

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